Asian Fusion Restaurant chat bots

Discover best Asian Fusion Restaurant chat bots . Meet all chatbots in one place!
Togather 讲饮讲食 chat bot

Togather 讲饮讲食

Togather 讲饮讲食中西茶餐厅

Facebook Messenger   |  722 |  0. |   0
Eat Sight Story chat bot

Eat Sight Story

Eat - fine food

Facebook Messenger   |  724 |  0. |   0
Aling's Chinese Cuisine chat bot

Aling's Chinese Cuisine

Alings: Chinese Cuisine

Facebook Messenger   |  691 |  0. |   0
Murni Discovery chat bot

Murni Discovery

Murni Discovery has built a diverse portfolio of varied concepts, ranging from multi-location upscale destinations to single neighborhood favourites

Facebook Messenger   |  661 |  0. |   0
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